Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
تاريخ نادي تشيلسي

تاريخ النادي الإنجليزي العريق تشيلسي الملقب بالبلوووووووووووووووز نادي تشيلسي البلوز
الاسم الكامل Chelsea Football Club
تأسس في1905
بلد المنشأ إنجلترا
المدرب الحالي أفرام جرانت
الدوري FA Premier League نادي تشيلسي معروف أيضاً باسم البلوز وباسم (Pensioners)
تأسس عام 1905 م وهو فريق يلعب في الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز لكرة القدم ( البريمر ليغ ). يلعب الفريق على أرضه في لندن في استان فورد بريدج والذي بإستطاعته إستيعاب 42,522 متفرج
يملك النادي حالياً رجل الأعمال الروسي رومان أبراموفيتش والذي قام بعقد العديد من الصفقات الكبيرة كان أبرزها : جلب المدرب جوزيه مورينو إلى الفريق والعديد من اللاعبين الآخرين
السنين الأولى (1905-1952)تأسس فريق نادي تشيلسي في 14 أذار مارس عام 1905م. بعد محاولات فاشلة لدخول الSouthern League تقدمت إدارة النادي بطلب لدخول الFootball League وقد تم الموافقة على هذا الطلب، وبهذا قبل تشيلسي للعب في الFootball League AGM في 29 أيار عام 1905م. تم اعتماد اللون الأزرق في قمصان زيّ الفريق.
كانت أولى مباريات النادي (مباراة ذهاب) في منطقة ستوكبورت (Stockport County) في 2 أيلول عام 1905م. في تلك المباراة خسر الفريق 0-1. مباراة الفريق الأولى في أرضهم (مباراة الإياب الأولى) كانت مع فريق نادي ليفربول وقد فاز فريق تشيلسي 4-0.
لقد جند النادي منذ تأسيسه لاعبون من فرق مختلفة، منهم المدرب جون تيت روبرتسون، وحارس المرمى الشهير وليام فولك، و الهداف المحترف جورج هيلسدون. مع كل هذا فلم يستطع الفريق تحصيل أي لقب في السنين الأولى.
لعب تشيلسي مباراة الFA Cup النهائية مع Sheffield United عام 1915م ولكنهم خسروا المباراة. استطاع النادي الوصول الى المركز الثالث في الFirst Division عام 1920م، واستطاعوا أيضاً في الموسم هذا أن يصلوا الى نصف نهائي الFA Cup.
عصر تيد دريك (1952-1961)في عام 1952م تم تعيين تيد دريك كمدير للنادي. أكمل دريك مسيرة تحديث النادي.
قام كأول خطوة بمحي الصورة القديمة عن النادي، وبذلك فقد أصبح لقب ال((Pensioners)) من الماضي.
قام أيضاً بتحديث طرق وأساليب التدرب المتبعة في النادي وقد جلب بضعة لاعبين شباب من دواري ذات مستوى أقل. عام 1954-1955م فاز النادي بالFirst Divsion برئاسة دريك وصفوف فريقٍ ضمّت الكابتين الهدّاف روي بنتلي (برصيد 21 هدف) والحارس تشارلي ثومسون وغيرهم من الاعبين.
بالرغم من أن ترتيب تشيلسي كان 12 على الدوري في نوفنبر لكنه تمكن لاحقاً من اللحاق و الوصول وأخذ اللقب.
جمعت المباراة النهائية بين تشيلسي وبين نادي ولفرهامبتون وانديريدرز وانتهت بالفوز 3-0 لصالح تشيلسي.
إنجازات وألقابLeague Championship الدروري الإنجليزي الممتاز 1955 و2005 و2006
دوري الدرجة الثانية سنة: 1984, 1989
FA Cup كأس إنجلترا سنة: 1970, 1997, 2000
League Cup كأس الرابطة الإنجليزية المحترفة سنة: 1965, 1998, 2005
FA Charity Shield/Community Shield الدرع الخيرية سنة: 1956, 2000, 2005
Full Members' Cup 1986, 1990
UEFA Cup Winners' Cup كأس الكؤوس الأوروبية 1971, 1998
UEFA Super Cup كأس السوبر الأوروبية 1998
FA Youth Cup 1960, 1961
تأسس في1905
بلد المنشأ إنجلترا
المدرب الحالي أفرام جرانت
الدوري FA Premier League نادي تشيلسي معروف أيضاً باسم البلوز وباسم (Pensioners)
تأسس عام 1905 م وهو فريق يلعب في الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز لكرة القدم ( البريمر ليغ ). يلعب الفريق على أرضه في لندن في استان فورد بريدج والذي بإستطاعته إستيعاب 42,522 متفرج
يملك النادي حالياً رجل الأعمال الروسي رومان أبراموفيتش والذي قام بعقد العديد من الصفقات الكبيرة كان أبرزها : جلب المدرب جوزيه مورينو إلى الفريق والعديد من اللاعبين الآخرين
السنين الأولى (1905-1952)تأسس فريق نادي تشيلسي في 14 أذار مارس عام 1905م. بعد محاولات فاشلة لدخول الSouthern League تقدمت إدارة النادي بطلب لدخول الFootball League وقد تم الموافقة على هذا الطلب، وبهذا قبل تشيلسي للعب في الFootball League AGM في 29 أيار عام 1905م. تم اعتماد اللون الأزرق في قمصان زيّ الفريق.
كانت أولى مباريات النادي (مباراة ذهاب) في منطقة ستوكبورت (Stockport County) في 2 أيلول عام 1905م. في تلك المباراة خسر الفريق 0-1. مباراة الفريق الأولى في أرضهم (مباراة الإياب الأولى) كانت مع فريق نادي ليفربول وقد فاز فريق تشيلسي 4-0.
لقد جند النادي منذ تأسيسه لاعبون من فرق مختلفة، منهم المدرب جون تيت روبرتسون، وحارس المرمى الشهير وليام فولك، و الهداف المحترف جورج هيلسدون. مع كل هذا فلم يستطع الفريق تحصيل أي لقب في السنين الأولى.
لعب تشيلسي مباراة الFA Cup النهائية مع Sheffield United عام 1915م ولكنهم خسروا المباراة. استطاع النادي الوصول الى المركز الثالث في الFirst Division عام 1920م، واستطاعوا أيضاً في الموسم هذا أن يصلوا الى نصف نهائي الFA Cup.
عصر تيد دريك (1952-1961)في عام 1952م تم تعيين تيد دريك كمدير للنادي. أكمل دريك مسيرة تحديث النادي.
قام كأول خطوة بمحي الصورة القديمة عن النادي، وبذلك فقد أصبح لقب ال((Pensioners)) من الماضي.
قام أيضاً بتحديث طرق وأساليب التدرب المتبعة في النادي وقد جلب بضعة لاعبين شباب من دواري ذات مستوى أقل. عام 1954-1955م فاز النادي بالFirst Divsion برئاسة دريك وصفوف فريقٍ ضمّت الكابتين الهدّاف روي بنتلي (برصيد 21 هدف) والحارس تشارلي ثومسون وغيرهم من الاعبين.
بالرغم من أن ترتيب تشيلسي كان 12 على الدوري في نوفنبر لكنه تمكن لاحقاً من اللحاق و الوصول وأخذ اللقب.
جمعت المباراة النهائية بين تشيلسي وبين نادي ولفرهامبتون وانديريدرز وانتهت بالفوز 3-0 لصالح تشيلسي.
إنجازات وألقابLeague Championship الدروري الإنجليزي الممتاز 1955 و2005 و2006
دوري الدرجة الثانية سنة: 1984, 1989
FA Cup كأس إنجلترا سنة: 1970, 1997, 2000
League Cup كأس الرابطة الإنجليزية المحترفة سنة: 1965, 1998, 2005
FA Charity Shield/Community Shield الدرع الخيرية سنة: 1956, 2000, 2005
Full Members' Cup 1986, 1990
UEFA Cup Winners' Cup كأس الكؤوس الأوروبية 1971, 1998
UEFA Super Cup كأس السوبر الأوروبية 1998
FA Youth Cup 1960, 1961
Monday, July 7, 2008
اول سياره غواصه في العالم
تعتزم الشركه السويسريه rinspeed المتخصصه في صناعه السيارات طرح اول سياره غواصه في العالم وقالت الشركه بانها ستطرح نموذجا اوليا من هذه السياره الفريده في معرض جنيف القادم وتستطيع هذه السياره ان تسير بثبات تحت الماء بعمق 10 امتار وهي تعمل بواسطه ثلاث محركات كهربيه

Sunday, July 6, 2008
لآتبخل على نفسك بخمس دقائق وبعدها تمحى ذنوبك كلها
اذا ضغط على هذا الرابط راح تمحى ذنوبك باذن الله تعالى......
فلا تبخل يا أخي
اذا ضغط على هذا الرابط راح تمحى ذنوبك باذن الله تعالى......
فلا تبخل يا أخي
Saturday, July 5, 2008
أختبر قوة ملاحظتك

الآن ... ركزوا نظركم على النقطة السوداء (+) مركز الدائرة في الصورة.
بعد لحظات قصيرة .. النقاط الوردية في الدائرة تختفي ببطء واحدة بعد الآخرى.
ولن ترى سوى النقط الخضراء تدور في الحلقة !!!!
كيف تعمل عقولنا ؟!؟!؟!؟! لأنه مافي نقط خضراء بالأصل !!!! والنقاط الوردية ما تختفى !!!!
العجيب هو تفسير العقل للصوره سبحان الله ...
بعد لحظات قصيرة .. النقاط الوردية في الدائرة تختفي ببطء واحدة بعد الآخرى.
ولن ترى سوى النقط الخضراء تدور في الحلقة !!!!
كيف تعمل عقولنا ؟!؟!؟!؟! لأنه مافي نقط خضراء بالأصل !!!! والنقاط الوردية ما تختفى !!!!
العجيب هو تفسير العقل للصوره سبحان الله ...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
stranges !!
Fish with two mouthes....sob7an allah
sorpion with two tails......sob7an allah

snake with two heads
Unique white tiger in pool !!
The white tiger is puting in pool and the people throwing
the meat to it.....see the picture

the meat to it.....see the picture

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The most wonderful ship in the world

The mall
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The 7 Ways that Forex Trading
Currency trading and the Forex market continue to grow daily in popularity compared to the commodities, futures, and the stock markets. And its no wonder since the Forex market outperforms the others with consistent regularity. But do you know the ways that the Forex market accomplishes this? The following is a list of the seven ways that Forex trading outperforms the commodities, futures, and stock markets.
1) You are able to trade currencies anytime you want, day or night - Forex trading can be conducted 24 hours a day based on the opening and closing schedule of the different markets. With the exception of weekends, you can trade currencies around the clock if thats what you choose to do. The other markets cant do this since they abide by standard business hours.
2) Forex trading commissions are minimal compared to the other markets brokers - if that broker from the NYSE is gobbling up commission fees like Thanksgiving dinner at your expense, you wont have to worry about that happening with a Forex broker.
3) No delays between the time you place an order and the time it gets filled - the Forex market works in what is referred to as real time so there are never any delays between when the order is placed to when it is fulfilled. Delays are the norm with the NYSE and the other markets. And this can cost you thousands of dollars.
4) Trade directly with no middleman - trades in the Forex market never involve a middleman so you can make your trades directly with the entity that gives you the price. In the long run, you save money since there are no middleman fees to be concerned with. Costs are higher and progress slows down in the other markets because of the middleman factor.
5) No one person or company influences the direction of the Forex market - there are no experts that tell you via national television or some other media what you should be buying and selling. When this happens, the investor is rarely the winner. Usually the company that the expert is employed by is the real winner. This is never the case in the Forex market.
6) Less to think about, therefore less confusion - the Forex market deals in the four primary currencies and the 34 secondary ones. Compare that to the nearly 8,000 products that are offered by the NASDAQ and the NYSE. Is that a migraine that youre starting to feel?
7) Forex trading redefines the meaning of the word risk - Forex trading involves less risk. The money that you have in your trading account is all you can lose, since that is treated like a deposit against a larger transaction. If the margin amount that is required exceeds the capital in your trading account, your trading platform should automatically issue a margin call so you dont lose significantly. This is a good reason to know how to utilize stop loss and profit call orders. They are safeguards that you receive in time, unlike in the other markets.
By: Ben Needles
1) You are able to trade currencies anytime you want, day or night - Forex trading can be conducted 24 hours a day based on the opening and closing schedule of the different markets. With the exception of weekends, you can trade currencies around the clock if thats what you choose to do. The other markets cant do this since they abide by standard business hours.
2) Forex trading commissions are minimal compared to the other markets brokers - if that broker from the NYSE is gobbling up commission fees like Thanksgiving dinner at your expense, you wont have to worry about that happening with a Forex broker.
3) No delays between the time you place an order and the time it gets filled - the Forex market works in what is referred to as real time so there are never any delays between when the order is placed to when it is fulfilled. Delays are the norm with the NYSE and the other markets. And this can cost you thousands of dollars.
4) Trade directly with no middleman - trades in the Forex market never involve a middleman so you can make your trades directly with the entity that gives you the price. In the long run, you save money since there are no middleman fees to be concerned with. Costs are higher and progress slows down in the other markets because of the middleman factor.
5) No one person or company influences the direction of the Forex market - there are no experts that tell you via national television or some other media what you should be buying and selling. When this happens, the investor is rarely the winner. Usually the company that the expert is employed by is the real winner. This is never the case in the Forex market.
6) Less to think about, therefore less confusion - the Forex market deals in the four primary currencies and the 34 secondary ones. Compare that to the nearly 8,000 products that are offered by the NASDAQ and the NYSE. Is that a migraine that youre starting to feel?
7) Forex trading redefines the meaning of the word risk - Forex trading involves less risk. The money that you have in your trading account is all you can lose, since that is treated like a deposit against a larger transaction. If the margin amount that is required exceeds the capital in your trading account, your trading platform should automatically issue a margin call so you dont lose significantly. This is a good reason to know how to utilize stop loss and profit call orders. They are safeguards that you receive in time, unlike in the other markets.
By: Ben Needles
Forex Market Trading Done For You
When it comes to Forex market trading there a hundreds if not thousands of e-books, manuals, seminars, books, etc on the subject floating around the internet. Most of them teach you the ins and outs of trading Forex. All claim to be the experts or course, selling this and that strategy, but do they really work? Do you really want to invest the time and money trying and testing each method to try and learn all there is to know about Forex market trading?
From experience, its no simple thing to learn Forex market trading. You can loose your money very quickly. In fact I recently read a statistic that said that 98% of investors loose money trading forex. So do the simple math and you have a 2% chance to make it happen for you and be successfully with Forex market trading. If you are a newbie to Forex, that number can be pretty frightening. Who really wants to enter a business making concept with a 98% failure rate? Yet we all heard of someone who is making money trading forex. Take a look at the hundreds and hundreds of ads promoting Forex. Its got to profitable right? Well...yes if you know what you are doing, or better yet if you know someone else who knows what they are doing and you can follow them.
Isnt that how just about all money is made online? Someone comes up with an idea, he or she shares that idea with others and if they follow it they can make money too?
Well thats the same thing with Forex market trading. You need to find someone or better yet find a system that literally automates everything for you. A system that you dont need to learn all there is to know about Forex market trading. I for one dont want to know all that stuff. All I need to know is when to buy and when to sell. Isnt that what it all comes down to? Who cares if you know all that fancy stuff about Forex. Id rather no very little and make a boat load of money, than be a guru and be broke.
Bottom line, find a system that automates it all for you. Take the guess work out. Make it just as simple as clicking buy or sell. Thats the system I like. This will work for the experienced Forex trader, or the complete newbie.
By: Ben Needles
From experience, its no simple thing to learn Forex market trading. You can loose your money very quickly. In fact I recently read a statistic that said that 98% of investors loose money trading forex. So do the simple math and you have a 2% chance to make it happen for you and be successfully with Forex market trading. If you are a newbie to Forex, that number can be pretty frightening. Who really wants to enter a business making concept with a 98% failure rate? Yet we all heard of someone who is making money trading forex. Take a look at the hundreds and hundreds of ads promoting Forex. Its got to profitable right? Well...yes if you know what you are doing, or better yet if you know someone else who knows what they are doing and you can follow them.
Isnt that how just about all money is made online? Someone comes up with an idea, he or she shares that idea with others and if they follow it they can make money too?
Well thats the same thing with Forex market trading. You need to find someone or better yet find a system that literally automates everything for you. A system that you dont need to learn all there is to know about Forex market trading. I for one dont want to know all that stuff. All I need to know is when to buy and when to sell. Isnt that what it all comes down to? Who cares if you know all that fancy stuff about Forex. Id rather no very little and make a boat load of money, than be a guru and be broke.
Bottom line, find a system that automates it all for you. Take the guess work out. Make it just as simple as clicking buy or sell. Thats the system I like. This will work for the experienced Forex trader, or the complete newbie.
By: Ben Needles
Forex Trading As A Home Business
Forex trading is not just a piece of cake, as some people would like you to believe. A realistic assessment of the forex trading market should be made before putting real money at risk. This forex trading review will try to give you a good overview of the forex market.
Trading forex is like many financial trading businesses in this world. What makes it different are the items that are being traded and the complex factors that influence price fluctuations. Forex trading is a speculative activity and one mistake can bring you down. The best thing to do is invest carefully until you have a full understanding of how the market moves.
Forex Trading is being called todays exciting new investment opportunity for the savvy investor. The reason is that the forex trading market only began to emerge in 1978, when worldwide currencies were allowed to float according to supply and demand, 7 years after the Gold Standard was abandoned.
Forex trading is attractive because it offers unparalleled freedoms. A forex trader can live anywhere as long as he/she is within reach of the Internet. Forex trading is not two strange words for those who are looking forward to making a quick profit in the financial market. Most investors will have at least heard or read about Forex trading. Forex trading is not bound to any one trading floor, but takes place electronically between a network of banks continuously over a 24 hour period.
Forex trading is something that many people do not understand very well. While they hear of the dollar fluctuation they never quite understand the process or what it means. Forex trading is not easy however it does provides significant potential for profit, as more and more people are discovering. In this review, I want to provide information to help you decide whether forex trading is for you. If you do have risk capital and the inclination to learn forex trading can be an ideal home business.
Forex trading is highly speculative in nature which can mean currency prices may become extremely volatile. Forex trading is highly leveraged. Since low margin deposits normally are required, an extremely high degree of leverage is obtainable in foreign exchange trading. Forex trading is not an exact science, but you need to be able to make cost benefit analysis along with looking at fundamental, economic and technical factors. Forex trading is buying and selling the foreign currencies of different countries. The basis idea is simple enough. Buy at one price and sell at a higher price or sell at one price and buy back at a lower price.
Forex trading is always done in currency pairs. The value of your forex investment increases or decreases because of changes in the currency exchange rate or forex rate. Forex Trading is the worlds largest financial market with an estimated daily average turnover between $2.5 trillion to $3.0 trillion that we cannot doubt.
If we want to make profit from this investment, there is some related knowledge that we definitely need to know. Forex trading is an alternative to the unpredictable nature and whims of the other markets. In the Internet age you can easily participate in the USD 2.5 trillion FX market.
Forex trading is the potentially most lucrative home based business at the moment. It is a business where you can earn an income without selling anything, without pitching a sale to people and without running around after clients. Forex trading is becoming very popular nowadays because in it there are so many additional methods that can be used to get into the markets which are not available through the New York Stock exchange.
Forex trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of another. Currencies are traded through a broker or dealer, and are traded in pairs; for example the Euro dollar and the US dollar (EUR/USD) or the British pound and the Japanese Yen (GBP/JPY).
Forex trading is a holistic art. You cannot trade a set of technical indicators crossing (but ignore everything else), and hope to be consistently profitable. In order to be a successful forex trader you need to have discipline and good knowledge of the forex market place.
Of course, good luck is also always welcome. But since good luck is such a fickle thing before getting started you had best prepare yourself for forex trading as a home business venture with a good bit of relevant knowledge.
By: Ben Needles
Trading forex is like many financial trading businesses in this world. What makes it different are the items that are being traded and the complex factors that influence price fluctuations. Forex trading is a speculative activity and one mistake can bring you down. The best thing to do is invest carefully until you have a full understanding of how the market moves.
Forex Trading is being called todays exciting new investment opportunity for the savvy investor. The reason is that the forex trading market only began to emerge in 1978, when worldwide currencies were allowed to float according to supply and demand, 7 years after the Gold Standard was abandoned.
Forex trading is attractive because it offers unparalleled freedoms. A forex trader can live anywhere as long as he/she is within reach of the Internet. Forex trading is not two strange words for those who are looking forward to making a quick profit in the financial market. Most investors will have at least heard or read about Forex trading. Forex trading is not bound to any one trading floor, but takes place electronically between a network of banks continuously over a 24 hour period.
Forex trading is something that many people do not understand very well. While they hear of the dollar fluctuation they never quite understand the process or what it means. Forex trading is not easy however it does provides significant potential for profit, as more and more people are discovering. In this review, I want to provide information to help you decide whether forex trading is for you. If you do have risk capital and the inclination to learn forex trading can be an ideal home business.
Forex trading is highly speculative in nature which can mean currency prices may become extremely volatile. Forex trading is highly leveraged. Since low margin deposits normally are required, an extremely high degree of leverage is obtainable in foreign exchange trading. Forex trading is not an exact science, but you need to be able to make cost benefit analysis along with looking at fundamental, economic and technical factors. Forex trading is buying and selling the foreign currencies of different countries. The basis idea is simple enough. Buy at one price and sell at a higher price or sell at one price and buy back at a lower price.
Forex trading is always done in currency pairs. The value of your forex investment increases or decreases because of changes in the currency exchange rate or forex rate. Forex Trading is the worlds largest financial market with an estimated daily average turnover between $2.5 trillion to $3.0 trillion that we cannot doubt.
If we want to make profit from this investment, there is some related knowledge that we definitely need to know. Forex trading is an alternative to the unpredictable nature and whims of the other markets. In the Internet age you can easily participate in the USD 2.5 trillion FX market.
Forex trading is the potentially most lucrative home based business at the moment. It is a business where you can earn an income without selling anything, without pitching a sale to people and without running around after clients. Forex trading is becoming very popular nowadays because in it there are so many additional methods that can be used to get into the markets which are not available through the New York Stock exchange.
Forex trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of another. Currencies are traded through a broker or dealer, and are traded in pairs; for example the Euro dollar and the US dollar (EUR/USD) or the British pound and the Japanese Yen (GBP/JPY).
Forex trading is a holistic art. You cannot trade a set of technical indicators crossing (but ignore everything else), and hope to be consistently profitable. In order to be a successful forex trader you need to have discipline and good knowledge of the forex market place.
Of course, good luck is also always welcome. But since good luck is such a fickle thing before getting started you had best prepare yourself for forex trading as a home business venture with a good bit of relevant knowledge.
By: Ben Needles
Therefore proper knowledge and guidance are essential for a beginner to take on online forex trading.
Currencies are the money of different countries and currency trading is the exchange of buying and selling of these currencies. Forex (FOReign EXchange) trading is one of the popular ways of trading in the currency markets. The actual exchange rate between the two markets is done through forex trading. The most popular forex market is the Euro to US dollar exchange rate that trades the value of one Euro in US dollars.
Since forex markets are global markets, they trade round the clock. Forex markets differ from day trading markets in that forex markets are decentralized and are not provided by an exchange. The trades are directly between two traders and there could be many different exchange rates for the same currencies depending upon the location of the traders and the brokers being used.
The currencies are traded directly in a forex market and the minimum amount that can be traded is known as a lot, which is at least 25,000 dollars generally. This is a margin amount and the individual traders need not be anywhere near the lot size in trading their account since the forex broker would offer the lot size instead.
The forex markets have a very high liquidity, which is the amount of money traded, and therefore they are able to absorb large trades worth millions of dollars without the market being affected. If a person has several million dollars to trade with and wants to convert one currency to another indefinitely, forex trading is well suited.
In a forex trading, traders can place up to 100 lots at a time and can also place stops, trailing stops or limits on open positions or have them preset on market orders. Sometimes they are traded with zero commissions and fees. Forex trading is not confined to one lot increment. Clients are able to trade .5 of a lot.1.2 lot or any amount where each lot is equal to 100000 currency units.
It is possible for trading managers and funds to trade multiple customer accounts from a single window and a block order can be split up among multiple customer accounts as specified by the trader. Also traders can open positions in the same currency in the opposite directions without using any additional margin or without the positions offsetting. If the margin is low, there is more flexibility without getting a marginal call.
The failure in online forex trading can be attributed to various factors like:
Over trading: the trades should be considered well before trading because each faculty trade may drain equity.
Bad money management: the risk can be overcome using stop loss orders since single bad trade may nullify the whole year's patient smart trade. It is advisable not to risk a high percentage on a single trade.
Lack of knowledge: having a basic knowledge and equipping oneself is imminent before plunging into forex trading online. The knowledge and education of a trader play a vital role between the success and failure in the forex market.
Websites offer a wide range of demo account, which can be practiced and utilized.Online forex trading offers a great opportunity for profits but with a high degree of risk.
By: Lesley Lyon
http //www.stvq.com
Since forex markets are global markets, they trade round the clock. Forex markets differ from day trading markets in that forex markets are decentralized and are not provided by an exchange. The trades are directly between two traders and there could be many different exchange rates for the same currencies depending upon the location of the traders and the brokers being used.
The currencies are traded directly in a forex market and the minimum amount that can be traded is known as a lot, which is at least 25,000 dollars generally. This is a margin amount and the individual traders need not be anywhere near the lot size in trading their account since the forex broker would offer the lot size instead.
The forex markets have a very high liquidity, which is the amount of money traded, and therefore they are able to absorb large trades worth millions of dollars without the market being affected. If a person has several million dollars to trade with and wants to convert one currency to another indefinitely, forex trading is well suited.
In a forex trading, traders can place up to 100 lots at a time and can also place stops, trailing stops or limits on open positions or have them preset on market orders. Sometimes they are traded with zero commissions and fees. Forex trading is not confined to one lot increment. Clients are able to trade .5 of a lot.1.2 lot or any amount where each lot is equal to 100000 currency units.
It is possible for trading managers and funds to trade multiple customer accounts from a single window and a block order can be split up among multiple customer accounts as specified by the trader. Also traders can open positions in the same currency in the opposite directions without using any additional margin or without the positions offsetting. If the margin is low, there is more flexibility without getting a marginal call.
The failure in online forex trading can be attributed to various factors like:
Over trading: the trades should be considered well before trading because each faculty trade may drain equity.
Bad money management: the risk can be overcome using stop loss orders since single bad trade may nullify the whole year's patient smart trade. It is advisable not to risk a high percentage on a single trade.
Lack of knowledge: having a basic knowledge and equipping oneself is imminent before plunging into forex trading online. The knowledge and education of a trader play a vital role between the success and failure in the forex market.
Websites offer a wide range of demo account, which can be practiced and utilized.Online forex trading offers a great opportunity for profits but with a high degree of risk.
By: Lesley Lyon
http //www.stvq.com
Forex Trading Strategies
Forex trading has a big appeal among the people due to the possibility of creating instant wealth. If forex trading is equipped with a good strategy, preferably a unique one will be of great help in achieving success. Forex trading strategies reduce the risk irrespective of the person’s participation in position trading, or day trading, or swing trading provided they are disciplined enough to stick to the strategy adopted. The best forex trading strategies are adopted by forex traders who are blessed with keen market sense and also who are able to privy to get inside information. On the basis of that information they develop forex investment strategies. The forex trading strategies which are devised after observing the market for quite sometime gain profits by rising above the odds. The forex traders who are best in their profession do not enter a trade without devising an exit strategy. They are the people who know very well when to minimize their losses and when to maximize their profits. They are very disciplined in doing both.
Leverage strategy: Forex trading strategies help achieve success in forex trading or online currency trading. Forex trading differs from trading stocks and the use of forex trading strategies help the person to gain more profits in a very short period. There are many forex trading strategies adopted by the investors, the most useful among these strategies is called as the leverage. This forex trading strategy allows the online traders to get more funds than the deposited amount; by adopting this strategy the benefits are maximized. This strategy helps in utilizing the amount deposited in the account even up to 100 times against any forex trading by backing high yield transactions very easily and better results are got. This leverage forex trading strategy is used by the traders on a regular basis to take advantage of fluctuations happening in the forex market in short term.
Stop loss order strategy: Stop loss order forex trading strategy is also used commonly among forex traders. This strategy protects the investors and creates a situation called the predetermined point, not allowing the investor to trade when it is reached. This forex trading strategy minimizes the losses. Sometimes this strategy might backfire and make the investor to run the risk of stopping their trading leading to a higher loss, hence it is up to the trader to use or not to use this forex trading strategy.
Automatic entry order strategy: An automatic entry order forex trading strategy is also one of the widely used strategies. This strategy allows the investors to participate in the trading activity when the price is suitable for them. Here the price is already determined and when the situation is reached the investor enters into the forex trading automatically.
Apart from the above strategies, there are certain basic rules to be followed as strategies to gain profits in forex trading:
The amount exposed in the foreign currency trading should always be kept in track to ensure to be within the accepted levels. While trading, the trader should not be very greedy or breach when keeping the returns in mind which is expected out of the transactions. The main objective should be kept in mind; it might be either capital appreciation or constant returns or high profits. Keeping track of ones own experience will reward at a later stage.
Investment should be within the affordability to lose. Also relying on expert’s opinions, history prices, and analytical statements may be effective some time rather than going by their own instincts.
By: Lesley Lyon
http://www.stockswatcher.info and http://www.financialdeals.info
Leverage strategy: Forex trading strategies help achieve success in forex trading or online currency trading. Forex trading differs from trading stocks and the use of forex trading strategies help the person to gain more profits in a very short period. There are many forex trading strategies adopted by the investors, the most useful among these strategies is called as the leverage. This forex trading strategy allows the online traders to get more funds than the deposited amount; by adopting this strategy the benefits are maximized. This strategy helps in utilizing the amount deposited in the account even up to 100 times against any forex trading by backing high yield transactions very easily and better results are got. This leverage forex trading strategy is used by the traders on a regular basis to take advantage of fluctuations happening in the forex market in short term.
Stop loss order strategy: Stop loss order forex trading strategy is also used commonly among forex traders. This strategy protects the investors and creates a situation called the predetermined point, not allowing the investor to trade when it is reached. This forex trading strategy minimizes the losses. Sometimes this strategy might backfire and make the investor to run the risk of stopping their trading leading to a higher loss, hence it is up to the trader to use or not to use this forex trading strategy.
Automatic entry order strategy: An automatic entry order forex trading strategy is also one of the widely used strategies. This strategy allows the investors to participate in the trading activity when the price is suitable for them. Here the price is already determined and when the situation is reached the investor enters into the forex trading automatically.
Apart from the above strategies, there are certain basic rules to be followed as strategies to gain profits in forex trading:
The amount exposed in the foreign currency trading should always be kept in track to ensure to be within the accepted levels. While trading, the trader should not be very greedy or breach when keeping the returns in mind which is expected out of the transactions. The main objective should be kept in mind; it might be either capital appreciation or constant returns or high profits. Keeping track of ones own experience will reward at a later stage.
Investment should be within the affordability to lose. Also relying on expert’s opinions, history prices, and analytical statements may be effective some time rather than going by their own instincts.
By: Lesley Lyon
http://www.stockswatcher.info and http://www.financialdeals.info
Forex Trading: The Most Common Flaws
Flaws due to multi indicators and due to the principle of confluence:
Many traders are very much attracted to the sophistication offered by the multi indicators and use them in their forex trading systems. Many of the confluence system indicators show the price movement and in no way adds any value to the trade. Due to this, the traders either end up over bought or over sold technical indicators like the stochastic, momentum indicators, candle stick chart pattern recognition, Bollinger band breaks out even neural networks which are supposed to be artificial intelligent systems. The technical indicators just show signals which are similar to buy or sell or hold, making the signal generated to be correct. Theoretically it sounds good but in reality to arrive at a conclusion might be difficult. As a result the traders are confused in making a right decision. They either enter too late or too early or remain still without being able to make a decision to enter the market. The major flaw is due to the use of useless trading system which does not serve the purpose to make profits, but confuses the traders and complicates the forex trading until the trader loses.
Another dangerous flaw found in forex trading is of an emotional nature interwoven into the process. It is fear and greed of the trader. A profitable forex trade can lead to exuberance and over joy, but this is the time when greed comes in and crosses the aspects of risk management. When a trader is hooked to winning, out of greed he over-rides all aspects to see more and more profits, only to see them crash to earth. They wait for the prices to regain, but in dismay may some time and with worst possible losses. This is the time when fear crops up and paralyses the trader not making him to open up any position. Hence while trading, the trader should not override the emotional side of trading, stick to discipline of the trade which can prevent them from committing the flaw of forex trading.
Another kind of flaw can happen when the trader is an unconcerned person or the one who is lazy, or with no drive to gain profits or feels the need to be profitable. These people would have entered into forex trading due to hearing it as an easy game. For them it is not a trade which involves skill, trade management, preparation and re-investment. It is a fun game for them, where loses do not make any difference to them. Such persons make a wrong footing, with a wrong objective.
Flaws in forex trading due to the inadequate knowledge of the trader:
Some of the losers start with good purpose in the trade. Even though they had gained some knowledge from here and there they might find it difficult to apply them practically in the trade. Inadequate knowledge might be the major flaw which stops them from achieving success.
By: Lesley Lyon
http://www.stockswatcher.info and http://www.financialdeals.info
Many traders are very much attracted to the sophistication offered by the multi indicators and use them in their forex trading systems. Many of the confluence system indicators show the price movement and in no way adds any value to the trade. Due to this, the traders either end up over bought or over sold technical indicators like the stochastic, momentum indicators, candle stick chart pattern recognition, Bollinger band breaks out even neural networks which are supposed to be artificial intelligent systems. The technical indicators just show signals which are similar to buy or sell or hold, making the signal generated to be correct. Theoretically it sounds good but in reality to arrive at a conclusion might be difficult. As a result the traders are confused in making a right decision. They either enter too late or too early or remain still without being able to make a decision to enter the market. The major flaw is due to the use of useless trading system which does not serve the purpose to make profits, but confuses the traders and complicates the forex trading until the trader loses.
Another dangerous flaw found in forex trading is of an emotional nature interwoven into the process. It is fear and greed of the trader. A profitable forex trade can lead to exuberance and over joy, but this is the time when greed comes in and crosses the aspects of risk management. When a trader is hooked to winning, out of greed he over-rides all aspects to see more and more profits, only to see them crash to earth. They wait for the prices to regain, but in dismay may some time and with worst possible losses. This is the time when fear crops up and paralyses the trader not making him to open up any position. Hence while trading, the trader should not override the emotional side of trading, stick to discipline of the trade which can prevent them from committing the flaw of forex trading.
Another kind of flaw can happen when the trader is an unconcerned person or the one who is lazy, or with no drive to gain profits or feels the need to be profitable. These people would have entered into forex trading due to hearing it as an easy game. For them it is not a trade which involves skill, trade management, preparation and re-investment. It is a fun game for them, where loses do not make any difference to them. Such persons make a wrong footing, with a wrong objective.
Flaws in forex trading due to the inadequate knowledge of the trader:
Some of the losers start with good purpose in the trade. Even though they had gained some knowledge from here and there they might find it difficult to apply them practically in the trade. Inadequate knowledge might be the major flaw which stops them from achieving success.
By: Lesley Lyon
http://www.stockswatcher.info and http://www.financialdeals.info
A Short Introduction To FOREX
FOREX is the worlds largest and most liquid trading market. Many consider FOREX as the best home business you can ever venture in. Even though regular people have had the opportunity to take part in trading foreign currencies for profit (in the same way banks and large corporations do) since 1998, it is just now becoming the cool, hip, new "thing" to talk about at parties, business events, and other social gatherings.Even though it has been somewhat of a loosely guarded secret, every day more and more investors are turning to the all-electronic world of FOREX trading for income and profit because of its numerous benefits & advantages over traditional trading vehicles, like stocks, bonds and commodities.But, still, whenever something seems new or is just becoming a part of social conversation, news articles, and water cooler gossip, misconceptions have to be overcome, the mindhas to be open and the slate has to be clear for starting out fresh with the CORRECT information.So, in this article, it is my attempt to give you some solid, but not over-detailed, information on just what the heck "FX" (FOREX) means, what it is, and why it exists.As a successful trader said, Trading FOREX is like picking money up off the floor. Not trading FOREX is like leaving it there for someone else to pick up." Others in the industryhave also said, Trading FOREX is like having an ATM machine on your own computer.Here's an explanation (one I feel you'll appreciate) of what FOREX is and how a bunch of traders, profit from it:The Foreign Exchange Market, also referred to the "FOREX" or "FX" market, is the spot (cash) market for currency.But, don't mistake FX as trading the futures market, where you buy a contract to purchase a particular currency at a future price in time.What FX traders do is much less risky than trading currencies on the futures market, much more profitable, and a lot easier, than trading stocks.So, you're probably wondering where it's at ... or ... how to access the FX market?The answer is: FX Trading is not bound to any one trading floor and is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets. The FX market is considered an Over-the-Counter (OTC) or 'Interbank' market, due to the fact that the entire market is run electronically, within a network of banks, continuously over a 24-hour period.Yes, if that's the first time you've heard about an all-electronic market, I know this may sound somewhat intriguing to you.Here's what you are actually trading when you participate in the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market:Essentially, like the large banks who use the FX market to protect themselves from the fluctuating exchange rate of different currencies, as an investor, what a FX trader is doing issimultaneously exchanging one countries currency for another. So, in actuality, they're electronically trading a currency-pair and the price that is quoted to us is the exchange ratebetween the two currencies.In other words, simply the quoted price is how many of the one currency is worth 1 of the other currency.
EUR/USD last trade 1.2850 - One Euro is worth $1.2850 US dollars.The first currency (in this example, the EURO) is referred to as the base currency and the second (/USD) as the counter or quote currency.
The FOREX has a DAILY trading volume of around $1.5 trillion dollars - 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets. This means that 1,498,574 skilled traders could each take 1 million dollars out of the FOREX market every day and the FOREX would still have more money left than the New York Stock exchange every day!The FOREX plays a vital role in the world economy and there will always be a tremendous need for the FOREX. International trade increases as technology and communication increases. As long as there is international trade, there will be a FOREX market. The FX market has to exist so a country like Japan can sell products in the United States and be able to receive Japanese Yen in exchange for US Dollar.There's plenty of money to be made using FOREX for plenty of traders that use the right trading techniques / tactics that will allow them to profit immensely. And, with only 5% of the daily turnover of volume coming from banks, government and large corporations who need to hedge,the other 95% is for speculation and profit.
By: Adrian Pablo
EUR/USD last trade 1.2850 - One Euro is worth $1.2850 US dollars.The first currency (in this example, the EURO) is referred to as the base currency and the second (/USD) as the counter or quote currency.
The FOREX has a DAILY trading volume of around $1.5 trillion dollars - 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets. This means that 1,498,574 skilled traders could each take 1 million dollars out of the FOREX market every day and the FOREX would still have more money left than the New York Stock exchange every day!The FOREX plays a vital role in the world economy and there will always be a tremendous need for the FOREX. International trade increases as technology and communication increases. As long as there is international trade, there will be a FOREX market. The FX market has to exist so a country like Japan can sell products in the United States and be able to receive Japanese Yen in exchange for US Dollar.There's plenty of money to be made using FOREX for plenty of traders that use the right trading techniques / tactics that will allow them to profit immensely. And, with only 5% of the daily turnover of volume coming from banks, government and large corporations who need to hedge,the other 95% is for speculation and profit.
By: Adrian Pablo
Forex News Trading Tip: How To Trade The FOMC
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decision on interest rates is one of the most powerful market movers in the forex market and when the markets move traders trading the news have the opportunity to make money. The FOMC sets the discount rate or federal funds rate and because interest rates are set higher to induce foreign investment and therefore fight inflation during times of prosperity and lower to increase spending during recessions they are one of the main factors influencing the strength of the dollar. Economic indicators play a huge role in the forex trading especially for traders who approach the market through fundamental analysis and trade the news. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) interest rate decision is one of the most influential indicators for the US dollar and you can be sure after the news is released there is going to be volatility in the markets and volatility is what traders thrive on. I have heard many 'traders' say never to trade the news and especially the FOMC. Although the FOMC interest decision is a news event and can fall under the category of through fundamental analysis I am a technician and I believe that charts always price everything in. However I guarantee the market does not know what exactly the Feds comments and decision will be, therefore it is not priced in yet and this will cause the markets to react when they do find out. This is confirmed by the change in price after the decision and the continuation in the days following. I have been trading the Fed for eight years now and yes I have been burnt in the past and that is exactly how I have come to learn how to trade it properly. The most common pattern to trade the Fed is the whip-saw. But do not be fearful of it, embrace it. Here is how it happens, first there is a large spike one direction (traders come in and follow that direction)followed by a large spike in the opposite direction (those same traders now sell their first position at a loss and reverse their position - this is when I take a position in the direction of the original move)followed by an extended move back in the direction of the original spike (all the emotional trades are left sick to their stomachs) and I am left holding a very nice position setting myself up to capture a larger than average market move. If this pattern does not play out exactly as outlined I stand on the sidelines and do not trade at all. Because the markets are moving fast in the period following the FOMC interest rate decision I am watching a very short time frame, mainly the one and five minute charts. Jordan Lindsey is a professional trader who's personal forex trading group 'Conquering The Markets' utilizes his forex trading strategies to trade his forex trading systems with sound money management and together work toward helping people all over the world live better lives.
By: Benicio Brown
By: Benicio Brown
Risks by the foreign exchange on Forex'
The Forex is essentially risk-bearing. By the evaluation of the grade of a possible risk accounted should be the following kinds of it: exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, and credit risk, country risk.
Exchange rate risk. Exchange rate risk is the effect of the continuous shift in the worldwide market supply and demand balance on an outstanding foreign exchange position. For the period it is outstanding, the position will be subject to all the price changes. The most popular measures to cut losses short and ride profitable positions that losses should be kept within manageable limits are the position limit and the loss limit. By the position limitation a maximum amount of a certain currency a trader is allowed to carry at any single time during the regular trading hours is to be established. The loss limit is a measure designed to avoid unsustainable losses made by traders by means of stop-loss levels setting.
Interest rate risk. Interest rate risk refers to the profit and loss generated by fluctuations in the forward spreads, along with forward amount mismatches and maturity gaps among transactions in the foreign exchange book. This risk is pertinent to currency swaps, forward outright, futures, and options (See below). To minimize interest rate risk, one sets limits on the total size of mismatches. A common approach is to separate the mismatches, based on their maturity dates, into up to six months and past six months. All the transactions are entered in computerized systems in order to calculate the positions for all the dates of the delivery, gains and losses. Continuous analysis of the interest rate environment is necessary to forecast any changes that may impact on the outstanding gaps.
Credit risk. Credit risk refers to the possibility that an outstanding currency position may not be repaid as agreed, due to a voluntary or involuntary action by a counter party. In these cases, trading occurs on regulated exchanges, such as the clearinghouse of Chicago. The following forms of credit risk are known:Replacement risk occurs when counterparties of the failed bank find their books are subjected to the danger not to get refunds from the bank, where appropriate accounts became unbalanced.
2. Settlement risk occurs because of the time zones on different continents. Consequently, currencies may be traded at the different price at different times during the trading day. Australian and New Zealand dollars are credited first, then Japanese yen, followed by the European currencies and ending with the U.S. dollar. Therefore, payment may be made to a party that will declare insolvency (or be declared insolvent) immediately after, but prior to executing its own payments.
Therefore in assessing the credit risk, end users must consider not only the market value of their currency portfolios, but also the potential exposure of these portfolios. The potential exposure may be determined through probability analysis over the time to maturity of the outstanding position. The computerized systems currently available are very useful in implementing credit risk policies. Credit lines are easily monitored. In addition, the matching systems introduced in foreign exchange since April 1993 are used by traders for credit policy implementation as well. Traders input the total line of credit for a specific counterparty. During the trading session, the line of credit is automatically adjusted. If the line is fully used, the system will prevent the trader from further dealing with that counterparty. After maturity, the credit line reverts to its original level.
Dictatorship risk. Dictatorship (sovereign) risk refers to the government's interference in the Forex activity. Although theoretically present in all foreign exchange instruments, currency futures are, for all practical purposes, excepted from country risk, because the major currency futures markets are located in the USA. Hence, traders have to realize that kind of the risk and be in state to account possible administrative restrictions.
By: Tomas Anderson
Exchange rate risk. Exchange rate risk is the effect of the continuous shift in the worldwide market supply and demand balance on an outstanding foreign exchange position. For the period it is outstanding, the position will be subject to all the price changes. The most popular measures to cut losses short and ride profitable positions that losses should be kept within manageable limits are the position limit and the loss limit. By the position limitation a maximum amount of a certain currency a trader is allowed to carry at any single time during the regular trading hours is to be established. The loss limit is a measure designed to avoid unsustainable losses made by traders by means of stop-loss levels setting.
Interest rate risk. Interest rate risk refers to the profit and loss generated by fluctuations in the forward spreads, along with forward amount mismatches and maturity gaps among transactions in the foreign exchange book. This risk is pertinent to currency swaps, forward outright, futures, and options (See below). To minimize interest rate risk, one sets limits on the total size of mismatches. A common approach is to separate the mismatches, based on their maturity dates, into up to six months and past six months. All the transactions are entered in computerized systems in order to calculate the positions for all the dates of the delivery, gains and losses. Continuous analysis of the interest rate environment is necessary to forecast any changes that may impact on the outstanding gaps.
Credit risk. Credit risk refers to the possibility that an outstanding currency position may not be repaid as agreed, due to a voluntary or involuntary action by a counter party. In these cases, trading occurs on regulated exchanges, such as the clearinghouse of Chicago. The following forms of credit risk are known:Replacement risk occurs when counterparties of the failed bank find their books are subjected to the danger not to get refunds from the bank, where appropriate accounts became unbalanced.
2. Settlement risk occurs because of the time zones on different continents. Consequently, currencies may be traded at the different price at different times during the trading day. Australian and New Zealand dollars are credited first, then Japanese yen, followed by the European currencies and ending with the U.S. dollar. Therefore, payment may be made to a party that will declare insolvency (or be declared insolvent) immediately after, but prior to executing its own payments.
Therefore in assessing the credit risk, end users must consider not only the market value of their currency portfolios, but also the potential exposure of these portfolios. The potential exposure may be determined through probability analysis over the time to maturity of the outstanding position. The computerized systems currently available are very useful in implementing credit risk policies. Credit lines are easily monitored. In addition, the matching systems introduced in foreign exchange since April 1993 are used by traders for credit policy implementation as well. Traders input the total line of credit for a specific counterparty. During the trading session, the line of credit is automatically adjusted. If the line is fully used, the system will prevent the trader from further dealing with that counterparty. After maturity, the credit line reverts to its original level.
Dictatorship risk. Dictatorship (sovereign) risk refers to the government's interference in the Forex activity. Although theoretically present in all foreign exchange instruments, currency futures are, for all practical purposes, excepted from country risk, because the major currency futures markets are located in the USA. Hence, traders have to realize that kind of the risk and be in state to account possible administrative restrictions.
By: Tomas Anderson
Must Know Before You Start Forex Trading
Many people have heard about Forex trading, some have even made the effort and looked for information.
Forex trading has a lot to offer the private trader.
A successful Forex trader can earn a lot of money in a short period of time.
Before you dive into the Forex world you should be aware of the following:
1. Forex trading is a risky business , it involves high leverage and you may lose money. Because of its complexity and the fact that most traders experience losses - sometimes it is compared to gambling. However Forex trading is not gambling, as you control your level of exposure via your ability to get out whenever it suits you to minimize your risk and make your investment safer.
2. Do not start trading unless you have money that you can afford losing. The worst thing to do is to trade with “Coward Money”. When someone opens a real account and deposits money that can’t be afforded the money will probably go down the drain as a result of the psychological element that comes into play. When trading you must be detached from your emotions. If you trade with money that you can not afford to lose you add a level of anxiety to your trading and that will disrupt your thinking and planning.
3. Forex trading is a profession like any other profession and therefore you must study and know what you are doing. There is plenty of information available on the Internet or in books.
4. Trading requires discipline and an organized system especially when talking about Forex trading. Every trader must have a plan and discipline in order to survive and earn a living
Before you start trading with real money you should study up as much as you can about trading. You may choose a fundamental or a more technical approach however keep in mind that you will have to constantly maintain your studies and develop your own system and approach towards trading.
5. Money management is very important in any kind of trading , especially in Forex trading where leverage is high. Sometimes you will have to make difficult decisions that may cost you some money in the short run but save you much more money down the road. Successful traders will often opt to cut losses and forgeit a small portion of their money instead of losing big sum of their money. There is no place for prayers , wishes or hopes in the world of professional trading - successful traders are detached from their feelings and remain impassive to the rises and falls of the market.
6. Like any other business , Forex trading requires forward planning. Before entering a trade you should analyze the market , charts and conditions. The successful trader plans trades and recognizes the precise moment of the entry, exit and stop loss points way before the trading even begins. The keys for long term success is analyzing planning, managing the trade strictly according to the plan.
Although trading is not for everyone , if you are serious in your decision to become a successful trader then it is possible. The thing that differentiates successful traders from the rest of people is their determination and desire to become successful. Successful traders never stop learning about the market and new systems.
articles by ziv Al
http://Forex-intro.info .
Forex trading has a lot to offer the private trader.
A successful Forex trader can earn a lot of money in a short period of time.
Before you dive into the Forex world you should be aware of the following:
1. Forex trading is a risky business , it involves high leverage and you may lose money. Because of its complexity and the fact that most traders experience losses - sometimes it is compared to gambling. However Forex trading is not gambling, as you control your level of exposure via your ability to get out whenever it suits you to minimize your risk and make your investment safer.
2. Do not start trading unless you have money that you can afford losing. The worst thing to do is to trade with “Coward Money”. When someone opens a real account and deposits money that can’t be afforded the money will probably go down the drain as a result of the psychological element that comes into play. When trading you must be detached from your emotions. If you trade with money that you can not afford to lose you add a level of anxiety to your trading and that will disrupt your thinking and planning.
3. Forex trading is a profession like any other profession and therefore you must study and know what you are doing. There is plenty of information available on the Internet or in books.
4. Trading requires discipline and an organized system especially when talking about Forex trading. Every trader must have a plan and discipline in order to survive and earn a living
Before you start trading with real money you should study up as much as you can about trading. You may choose a fundamental or a more technical approach however keep in mind that you will have to constantly maintain your studies and develop your own system and approach towards trading.
5. Money management is very important in any kind of trading , especially in Forex trading where leverage is high. Sometimes you will have to make difficult decisions that may cost you some money in the short run but save you much more money down the road. Successful traders will often opt to cut losses and forgeit a small portion of their money instead of losing big sum of their money. There is no place for prayers , wishes or hopes in the world of professional trading - successful traders are detached from their feelings and remain impassive to the rises and falls of the market.
6. Like any other business , Forex trading requires forward planning. Before entering a trade you should analyze the market , charts and conditions. The successful trader plans trades and recognizes the precise moment of the entry, exit and stop loss points way before the trading even begins. The keys for long term success is analyzing planning, managing the trade strictly according to the plan.
Although trading is not for everyone , if you are serious in your decision to become a successful trader then it is possible. The thing that differentiates successful traders from the rest of people is their determination and desire to become successful. Successful traders never stop learning about the market and new systems.
articles by ziv Al
http://Forex-intro.info .
Want To Make Money? Try A Forex Trading System
The internet if full of great money making opportunities, and one system that is not commonly considered by enough people is a forex trading system. These systems allow anyone to learn the ins and outs of trading online using the foreign exchange and potentially make a lot of money.
With the knowledge that can be obtained easily from many places on the internet, and from helpful users on forex forums, you can begin trading and watching market trends and fluctuations in order to predict the next profitable trend. A forex trading system can be easily learned and does not need any special expertise, just patience and a little time.
You can also search online and find that many broker websites have developed software for easy methods to apply a forex trading system. Most of the systems that companies offer are reported to give you positive results, sometimes up to 80 percent. These systems follow specific data and trends and are taught in an easy format that just about anyone can understand. A trading system can work so well that some companies will give you a free trial period to prove how well they work and see how much money you can make.
With a forex trading system, you can avoid all of the guess work and calculations. A good system should do it for you and all you have to do is decide whether or not to act on the results and recommendations shown. However, if you like a challenge, then try to do it yourself after completing all of the courses, and then use a trading system to check your accuracy. Having a second opinion is always useful.
If you want to learn to use a forex trading system you will need to understand the concepts behind the business and how and why it was started. You need to become familiar with the financial language and the different rules and methods involved. You should make sure before you begin that this is the right investment method for you to use, as there are many risks involved.
For this reason it is better if you do not use your everyday living money for Forex trading. You should have some extra money kept aside so that if you do have a bad day, which happens, it will not be the end of the world. Even if you have a forex trading system you are not guaranteed to earn a lot of money. Realize that this will be a slow process of earning small amounts, but the potential for earning large sums of money is a very real one.
Submitted by Scott
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
With the knowledge that can be obtained easily from many places on the internet, and from helpful users on forex forums, you can begin trading and watching market trends and fluctuations in order to predict the next profitable trend. A forex trading system can be easily learned and does not need any special expertise, just patience and a little time.
You can also search online and find that many broker websites have developed software for easy methods to apply a forex trading system. Most of the systems that companies offer are reported to give you positive results, sometimes up to 80 percent. These systems follow specific data and trends and are taught in an easy format that just about anyone can understand. A trading system can work so well that some companies will give you a free trial period to prove how well they work and see how much money you can make.
With a forex trading system, you can avoid all of the guess work and calculations. A good system should do it for you and all you have to do is decide whether or not to act on the results and recommendations shown. However, if you like a challenge, then try to do it yourself after completing all of the courses, and then use a trading system to check your accuracy. Having a second opinion is always useful.
If you want to learn to use a forex trading system you will need to understand the concepts behind the business and how and why it was started. You need to become familiar with the financial language and the different rules and methods involved. You should make sure before you begin that this is the right investment method for you to use, as there are many risks involved.
For this reason it is better if you do not use your everyday living money for Forex trading. You should have some extra money kept aside so that if you do have a bad day, which happens, it will not be the end of the world. Even if you have a forex trading system you are not guaranteed to earn a lot of money. Realize that this will be a slow process of earning small amounts, but the potential for earning large sums of money is a very real one.
Submitted by Scott
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
Forex As an Asset Class and Financial Instrument
Forex has always been classified as an asset and an instrument of financial transaction including both the spot and futures market. By one argument, the forex market makes a pretty much bigger turn over on a daily basis than the commodities and services trade although conceptually forex is there to facilitate the latter two. Need any more evidence for forex's status as financial instrument and an asset class of its own right?
Sequentially, the logic goes that any financial instrument can be thought of as fit to be an asset class.
So What Is A Financial Instrument? Any document, either virtual or real, which is assigned some monetary value and legally tradeable in the market as a package of an asset, is a financial instrument. The most traded one amongst all financial instruments is the equity based one.
Plain vanilla is an example of simplest financial instruments which has a simple strike price and expiration date. This option is devoid of advanced features but optionally there can be what is known as a knock-in option which activates the instrument only if the underlying stocks strike a preset price.
But coming back to the discussion of forex as an asset class, the overall foreign exchange traded daily has jumped by 38% between April 2005 and April 2006 and has more than doubled since 2001. One significant reason that can be attributed to this is growing acceptance of forex as asset class strongly backed up by the fund management assets such as hedge funds and pension funds. On the same breath, one can not negate the advent of easier internet based retail trading platforms which pitched into attract large volumes.
We have said that forex is an asset class. The asset class is basically categorized as debt based and equity based depending on whether the investor gets to own the asset or not. For example, debt asset is when an investor extends a loan to the owner of asset and the equity based asset reflects the ownership of the investor.
What Does It Mean To A Retail Investor? The categorized forex asset class is a wise investment opportunity for a retailer. You can systematically acquire and hold a foreign currency, such as euro or pound sterling till it appreciates sufficiently over time. Speculative forex trading is another avenue but it is ridden with significant risk factors. Transnational executives hold a
considerable amount of forex in their kitty
.Submitted by Jason
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
Sequentially, the logic goes that any financial instrument can be thought of as fit to be an asset class.
So What Is A Financial Instrument? Any document, either virtual or real, which is assigned some monetary value and legally tradeable in the market as a package of an asset, is a financial instrument. The most traded one amongst all financial instruments is the equity based one.
Plain vanilla is an example of simplest financial instruments which has a simple strike price and expiration date. This option is devoid of advanced features but optionally there can be what is known as a knock-in option which activates the instrument only if the underlying stocks strike a preset price.
But coming back to the discussion of forex as an asset class, the overall foreign exchange traded daily has jumped by 38% between April 2005 and April 2006 and has more than doubled since 2001. One significant reason that can be attributed to this is growing acceptance of forex as asset class strongly backed up by the fund management assets such as hedge funds and pension funds. On the same breath, one can not negate the advent of easier internet based retail trading platforms which pitched into attract large volumes.
We have said that forex is an asset class. The asset class is basically categorized as debt based and equity based depending on whether the investor gets to own the asset or not. For example, debt asset is when an investor extends a loan to the owner of asset and the equity based asset reflects the ownership of the investor.
What Does It Mean To A Retail Investor? The categorized forex asset class is a wise investment opportunity for a retailer. You can systematically acquire and hold a foreign currency, such as euro or pound sterling till it appreciates sufficiently over time. Speculative forex trading is another avenue but it is ridden with significant risk factors. Transnational executives hold a
considerable amount of forex in their kitty
.Submitted by Jason
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
Brokers and Online Trading: What Does A Broker Do?
Forex broking is invariably an online business in the same manner as trading is much unlike the very early years. Different countries have norms that require forex brokers to register with some governmental agency to begin their broking business upon meeting certain educational and business qualification.
In the United States of America a forex trader must be registered with the Commodity Trading Commission as a Futures Commission Merchant. Futures Commission Merchant, FCM, can be an organization or an individual that accepts and handles futures orders on behalf of clients.
There are over 5000 forex broking institutions which include banks, financial institutions and certain other broking houses which all provide internet based trading facility. The forex brokers do not operate on the commission basis but on what is known as the spread in the community parlance. Spread means the difference amount between the buying and selling price of any currency.
A forex broker, like a stock broker advises the clients on different strategies of trading in foreign currencies along side giving out tips on the hot currencies based on technical analyses and fundamental researches aimed at maximizing the clients' trading performances. The more seasoned and reputable forex broking houses offer to manage small investors' trades to reduce exposure to risks with their extensive knowledge and years of experience, of course for an additional fee.
Usually forex brokers facilitate a practice account for no upfront fee payment so that a new trader can gain insights of the market and the features of such trading softwares. Retail investors may, in order that they evaluate different supports and software features, try out practice accounts with a few brokers before they open a final trading account.
Most of the forex broking houses, including the individual brokers, provide what is known as leveraged account facility. The leveraged account means if you paid a deposit amount of, say, US$100 you will get to trade upto an exposure of US$100,000. You may also try out a mini-account which lets you to open and operate forex trading for as low as US$100.
Forex brokers are classified as 1. Market Operators -Large banks, minimum lot size is $1,000,000 2. Small Brokers - Cater mainly to individual traders and settle deals with market makers. 3. Market Makers - Let small brokers and individuals trade with thereabouts of $50,000 4. Kitchens - Scrupulous operators who thrive on the belief that most of the clients lose money and that the revenue of kitchen is the clients' losses.
Keep in mind, choosing forex brokers is to pay highest importance to your needs than theirs.
Submitted by Jason
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
In the United States of America a forex trader must be registered with the Commodity Trading Commission as a Futures Commission Merchant. Futures Commission Merchant, FCM, can be an organization or an individual that accepts and handles futures orders on behalf of clients.
There are over 5000 forex broking institutions which include banks, financial institutions and certain other broking houses which all provide internet based trading facility. The forex brokers do not operate on the commission basis but on what is known as the spread in the community parlance. Spread means the difference amount between the buying and selling price of any currency.
A forex broker, like a stock broker advises the clients on different strategies of trading in foreign currencies along side giving out tips on the hot currencies based on technical analyses and fundamental researches aimed at maximizing the clients' trading performances. The more seasoned and reputable forex broking houses offer to manage small investors' trades to reduce exposure to risks with their extensive knowledge and years of experience, of course for an additional fee.
Usually forex brokers facilitate a practice account for no upfront fee payment so that a new trader can gain insights of the market and the features of such trading softwares. Retail investors may, in order that they evaluate different supports and software features, try out practice accounts with a few brokers before they open a final trading account.
Most of the forex broking houses, including the individual brokers, provide what is known as leveraged account facility. The leveraged account means if you paid a deposit amount of, say, US$100 you will get to trade upto an exposure of US$100,000. You may also try out a mini-account which lets you to open and operate forex trading for as low as US$100.
Forex brokers are classified as 1. Market Operators -Large banks, minimum lot size is $1,000,000 2. Small Brokers - Cater mainly to individual traders and settle deals with market makers. 3. Market Makers - Let small brokers and individuals trade with thereabouts of $50,000 4. Kitchens - Scrupulous operators who thrive on the belief that most of the clients lose money and that the revenue of kitchen is the clients' losses.
Keep in mind, choosing forex brokers is to pay highest importance to your needs than theirs.
Submitted by Jason
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
FOREX Trading – One Way of Making Money
The largest exchange market worldwide is represented by Foreign Exchange. The availability of the Internet and the explosion of its technology, as well as the possibility to make quick profits have turned FOREX trading into a very popular way of investing. However, it takes knowledge on the part of the trader regarding the currency traded and the venue. In fact this condition is applicable to any securities market.
FOREX trading is a form of day trading, which specializes in opening and closing market positions, or buying and selling securities in the same day. This type of trading allows high margins, which means that investors can have small amounts of actual cash, but they can control large amounts of currency. This, in its turn can lead to either huge profits or huge losses. The possible financial loss must never be excluded by a FOREX trader.
FOREX trading comes with attractive and unique investing opportunities. This variety is one of the reasons why a FOREX trader has to safeguard himself or herself by getting to know the risk management concepts. The actual use of this investment tool must be preceded by a thorough analysis of the market. It is most advisable that you find a reputable FOREX broker for this type of investment.
When it comes to making an educated choice, there are some aspects which should not be overlooked, such as lower spreads, a reliable financial institution to back your broker, whether or not the broker provides market tools and research, as well as many leverage options, and so forth. You also have to make sure that your FOREX broker follows some strict margin rules. This is all the more advisable if you are trading with borrowed money.
Global FOREX trading is a way of making money that not many people are familiar with, because it does not get the amount of publicity that the stock market does. However, it is safe to say that the global FOREX trading market surpasses markets such as the stock one or even the commodities one.
This is also the largest tradable market because foreign exchange can be traded at any time, as opposed to other markets, which have specific times for opening and ending trading. The trading availability comes from the fact that the currency price fluctuates all the time. This is how global FOREX trading offers the prospect of quite nice profits.
The main key to global FOREX trading is leverage, which gives the possibility of creating wealth from a small amount of money. However, this powerful tool can go both ways, meaning that it can also work against you and get you bankrupt. This is why a the need for a good education in FOREX trading arises. It is this particular feature – the leverage – that gives this type of activity a speculative tint, and consequently attracts a great deal of people. While it is true that there are many speculators in global FOREX trading, it is also true that there are traders who have the ability of making continuous and consistent profits.
Submitted by Fabiola
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
FOREX trading is a form of day trading, which specializes in opening and closing market positions, or buying and selling securities in the same day. This type of trading allows high margins, which means that investors can have small amounts of actual cash, but they can control large amounts of currency. This, in its turn can lead to either huge profits or huge losses. The possible financial loss must never be excluded by a FOREX trader.
FOREX trading comes with attractive and unique investing opportunities. This variety is one of the reasons why a FOREX trader has to safeguard himself or herself by getting to know the risk management concepts. The actual use of this investment tool must be preceded by a thorough analysis of the market. It is most advisable that you find a reputable FOREX broker for this type of investment.
When it comes to making an educated choice, there are some aspects which should not be overlooked, such as lower spreads, a reliable financial institution to back your broker, whether or not the broker provides market tools and research, as well as many leverage options, and so forth. You also have to make sure that your FOREX broker follows some strict margin rules. This is all the more advisable if you are trading with borrowed money.
Global FOREX trading is a way of making money that not many people are familiar with, because it does not get the amount of publicity that the stock market does. However, it is safe to say that the global FOREX trading market surpasses markets such as the stock one or even the commodities one.
This is also the largest tradable market because foreign exchange can be traded at any time, as opposed to other markets, which have specific times for opening and ending trading. The trading availability comes from the fact that the currency price fluctuates all the time. This is how global FOREX trading offers the prospect of quite nice profits.
The main key to global FOREX trading is leverage, which gives the possibility of creating wealth from a small amount of money. However, this powerful tool can go both ways, meaning that it can also work against you and get you bankrupt. This is why a the need for a good education in FOREX trading arises. It is this particular feature – the leverage – that gives this type of activity a speculative tint, and consequently attracts a great deal of people. While it is true that there are many speculators in global FOREX trading, it is also true that there are traders who have the ability of making continuous and consistent profits.
Submitted by Fabiola
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
It Really Pays to Learn FOREX!
The fact that foreign exchange trading can be very profitable makes it exciting, but there is one important aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked. The risk factors in FOREX trading are significant. A good FOREX trader must fully understand margin trading and the implications that it has, as well as the particular opportunities and pitfalls offered by foreign exchange trading.
There are many reasons why the foreign exchange market is so popular and why some many traders want to learn FOREX. Some of the most important reasons include the high liquidity, the 24-hour availability, the very low dealing costs, and the leverage available.
Participants in the foreign exchange trading include many commercial organizations, but their presence on the market is related to currency exposure due to export and import activities. However, it is the financial institutions that are responsible for most of the turnover on the FOREX market. Banks, funds, brokers – these are the major players on the market, and investing in FOREX is still predominantly their domain. Still, any investor can make the most of these advantages, provided that he/she has solid knowledge of the functions of FOREX market.
Due to the advancement of technology, a FOREX trading account can be opened, and individuals can start trading, without becoming involved with a trading institution or a bank. But the question is, are you ready for FOREX trading?
It is highly recommended that you learn FOREX before you actually start trading. As stated before, this market offers some opportunities that allow the prospect of huge profits. But the losses can be just as big as the profits, and no one wants to learn FOREX by trading their own money. Fortunately, there’s no need for any of your money to be lost before you can crack the code and really master the FOREX market functions. Thanks to the same technology, you can chose a FOREX trading course and learn everything you need to know about this way of making money, a lot of money.
There are excellent websites offering powerful FOREX trading courses that provide you with all the necessary information, including tips and secrets of foreign exchange trading that you can use to your advantage. Think about it, if you start to trade on the FOREX market without having learned FOREX, you might as well throw your money out the window. However, if you learn FOREX before you start investing, chances are you will do very well. But learning the basics will only get you among the other traders for whom stress is a constant feature. You need to choose a good FOREX trading course that will put you on top of the other traders, and give you the ability to make serious profit. And the good news is that such a course really exists!
Trading on the FOREX market does not come with any restrictions of time and place. You can live in any corner of the world you please, or you can travel anywhere you like, as long as you have access to a computer and an Internet connection. And it gets even better. You don’t have to start with a huge sum of money, a small amount will do, and soon you’ll be making so much money, that you’ll feel sorry you haven’t considered trading foreign exchange sooner. The only condition to being really successful is that you learn FOREX from people who have had and still have their share of the market.
Submitted by Fabiola
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
There are many reasons why the foreign exchange market is so popular and why some many traders want to learn FOREX. Some of the most important reasons include the high liquidity, the 24-hour availability, the very low dealing costs, and the leverage available.
Participants in the foreign exchange trading include many commercial organizations, but their presence on the market is related to currency exposure due to export and import activities. However, it is the financial institutions that are responsible for most of the turnover on the FOREX market. Banks, funds, brokers – these are the major players on the market, and investing in FOREX is still predominantly their domain. Still, any investor can make the most of these advantages, provided that he/she has solid knowledge of the functions of FOREX market.
Due to the advancement of technology, a FOREX trading account can be opened, and individuals can start trading, without becoming involved with a trading institution or a bank. But the question is, are you ready for FOREX trading?
It is highly recommended that you learn FOREX before you actually start trading. As stated before, this market offers some opportunities that allow the prospect of huge profits. But the losses can be just as big as the profits, and no one wants to learn FOREX by trading their own money. Fortunately, there’s no need for any of your money to be lost before you can crack the code and really master the FOREX market functions. Thanks to the same technology, you can chose a FOREX trading course and learn everything you need to know about this way of making money, a lot of money.
There are excellent websites offering powerful FOREX trading courses that provide you with all the necessary information, including tips and secrets of foreign exchange trading that you can use to your advantage. Think about it, if you start to trade on the FOREX market without having learned FOREX, you might as well throw your money out the window. However, if you learn FOREX before you start investing, chances are you will do very well. But learning the basics will only get you among the other traders for whom stress is a constant feature. You need to choose a good FOREX trading course that will put you on top of the other traders, and give you the ability to make serious profit. And the good news is that such a course really exists!
Trading on the FOREX market does not come with any restrictions of time and place. You can live in any corner of the world you please, or you can travel anywhere you like, as long as you have access to a computer and an Internet connection. And it gets even better. You don’t have to start with a huge sum of money, a small amount will do, and soon you’ll be making so much money, that you’ll feel sorry you haven’t considered trading foreign exchange sooner. The only condition to being really successful is that you learn FOREX from people who have had and still have their share of the market.
Submitted by Fabiola
ArticleSource: ArticlesAlley.com
Five Reasons You Have to Start Forex Trading
Why should you consider foreign exchange, or forex trading? One compelling reason is that it is a huge business, trading nearly two trillion U.S. dollars on a daily basis. The potential to make money is out there for the well-informed trader. The forex market is the largest in the world. It is larger than the U.S. stock market, and has a daily trading volume larger than all the world's stock markets combined. The following list provides a few reasons why forex trading is a smart move.
It's Easy
If the idea of trading on the stock market is intimidating, you're not alone. There is no way that anyone, including professional brokers, can know enough about all the stock options. Therefore, many traders specialize or focus on particular areas of the stock market, and many individuals are left to rely on the opinions of the professionals, who may or may not be good at their craft.
Trading on the forex market, in contrast, is much simpler. The primary currencies traded are the U.S. dollar, the Japanese yen, and the British pound. There is less to keep track of, so conducting research and analysis can be much easier.
You Can Do it from Home
If you're interested in getting involved in forex trading, all you need is a computer and a bit of time. Granted, conducting some research is wise if you want to make the best choices. But once you have an idea of your strategy, you can conduct transactions online for minimal fees and without having to pay a professional to do it for you (although this is an option). There are a number of online options for trading foreign exchange, so you'll need to conduct some research to determine the best choice for you. If you know others who trade this way, ask for their preferences. Conducting a simple Google search on forex trading will yield many results, so review and choose carefully.
The Investment is Minimal
To get involved in currency trading, you do not need to invest a lot of cash upfront. Many trading options are available for a small investment, some as low as a few hundred dollars. This allows new traders in particular to get involved, learn the process, and risk very little. To trade in the forex market, you need to determine your risk limit, and not invest above that amount. Because the initial investment can be low, many people can get involved that may not be able to invest in other options, such as traditional stocks. Forex trading is a good way to enter the trading market.
You Can Make Money
While trading on the forex market takes some research, skill, and a bit of luck, it is possible to make money. The potential for huge payoffs is at times exaggerated, but there are traders making large amounts of money in this market. The key is to learn what you are doing and make smart choices. This can include determining how much you are able and willing to risk, taking risks when necessary, and learning as much as you can about the market. Trading on the forex market also offers you more leverage than in other markets. You can use smaller amounts of money to your advantage, and the trading process is simpler than in other markets.
It's Flexible
Trading on the Foreign Exchange market is a twenty-four hour process, which means that you don't need to wait for the opening and closing of the exchange to know where you stand. You can make trades at any time of the day, which gives you much more control than if you are operating in the traditional stock market. This also allows traders to respond to breaking news immediately. The advantages of real-time trading are advantageous in that traders have a much better understanding of their investments. Conversely, in the traditional stock market, after-hours activities, for example, can affect stock values, but the affects are not immediately available.
If you're interested in trading on the forex market, do your research. Many trading companies provide free information online. The more you know, the better you decisions you'll be able to make. Many of these same companies offer free trial periods as well, which you can use to get your feet wet and determine if currency trading is for you.
By : Mike Singh
It's Easy
If the idea of trading on the stock market is intimidating, you're not alone. There is no way that anyone, including professional brokers, can know enough about all the stock options. Therefore, many traders specialize or focus on particular areas of the stock market, and many individuals are left to rely on the opinions of the professionals, who may or may not be good at their craft.
Trading on the forex market, in contrast, is much simpler. The primary currencies traded are the U.S. dollar, the Japanese yen, and the British pound. There is less to keep track of, so conducting research and analysis can be much easier.
You Can Do it from Home
If you're interested in getting involved in forex trading, all you need is a computer and a bit of time. Granted, conducting some research is wise if you want to make the best choices. But once you have an idea of your strategy, you can conduct transactions online for minimal fees and without having to pay a professional to do it for you (although this is an option). There are a number of online options for trading foreign exchange, so you'll need to conduct some research to determine the best choice for you. If you know others who trade this way, ask for their preferences. Conducting a simple Google search on forex trading will yield many results, so review and choose carefully.
The Investment is Minimal
To get involved in currency trading, you do not need to invest a lot of cash upfront. Many trading options are available for a small investment, some as low as a few hundred dollars. This allows new traders in particular to get involved, learn the process, and risk very little. To trade in the forex market, you need to determine your risk limit, and not invest above that amount. Because the initial investment can be low, many people can get involved that may not be able to invest in other options, such as traditional stocks. Forex trading is a good way to enter the trading market.
You Can Make Money
While trading on the forex market takes some research, skill, and a bit of luck, it is possible to make money. The potential for huge payoffs is at times exaggerated, but there are traders making large amounts of money in this market. The key is to learn what you are doing and make smart choices. This can include determining how much you are able and willing to risk, taking risks when necessary, and learning as much as you can about the market. Trading on the forex market also offers you more leverage than in other markets. You can use smaller amounts of money to your advantage, and the trading process is simpler than in other markets.
It's Flexible
Trading on the Foreign Exchange market is a twenty-four hour process, which means that you don't need to wait for the opening and closing of the exchange to know where you stand. You can make trades at any time of the day, which gives you much more control than if you are operating in the traditional stock market. This also allows traders to respond to breaking news immediately. The advantages of real-time trading are advantageous in that traders have a much better understanding of their investments. Conversely, in the traditional stock market, after-hours activities, for example, can affect stock values, but the affects are not immediately available.
If you're interested in trading on the forex market, do your research. Many trading companies provide free information online. The more you know, the better you decisions you'll be able to make. Many of these same companies offer free trial periods as well, which you can use to get your feet wet and determine if currency trading is for you.
By : Mike Singh
Forex broker involvement optional
To trade on the forex market, the largest financial market on the planet, one must use a forex broker. Not unlike a stock broker, a forex broker can also makes suggestions about which moves to make when exchanging foreign currency. Some forex brokers even supply technical analysis to some of their clients and offer tips on research to improve their success as forex traders.
Typically in the forex market a forex broker is a banking institution who may buy up large amounts of a certain currency. For years, banks were the only ones who had access to the forex markets. But today with the Internet, any forex trader, who subscribes with a forex broker, can access the market 24 hours a day.
Today, as with stock brokers, the brick and mortar institutions, such as banks, are less of an option for the individual forex trader who works from home, monitoring the news and gaining insight into certain technical information to help with his or her trading decisions.
Choosing a forex broker may depend on your needs. If you are new to the field, there are houses, or online forex brokers who may cater to your needs, providing in-depth research, ample time to demo their product and so on. Other forex brokers are geared toward the experienced online forex trader. They too offer advice, but may be less likely to offer instructional help with the information, assuming that you may already know how it may or may not benefit you when you read it. It is advisable to read about and even run a demo on several different online forex brokers before going with one.
By : Jay Moncliff
Typically in the forex market a forex broker is a banking institution who may buy up large amounts of a certain currency. For years, banks were the only ones who had access to the forex markets. But today with the Internet, any forex trader, who subscribes with a forex broker, can access the market 24 hours a day.
Today, as with stock brokers, the brick and mortar institutions, such as banks, are less of an option for the individual forex trader who works from home, monitoring the news and gaining insight into certain technical information to help with his or her trading decisions.
Choosing a forex broker may depend on your needs. If you are new to the field, there are houses, or online forex brokers who may cater to your needs, providing in-depth research, ample time to demo their product and so on. Other forex brokers are geared toward the experienced online forex trader. They too offer advice, but may be less likely to offer instructional help with the information, assuming that you may already know how it may or may not benefit you when you read it. It is advisable to read about and even run a demo on several different online forex brokers before going with one.
By : Jay Moncliff
Forex market offers opportunity and information
The forex market is what is called an international exchange currency market, where currencies are exchanged on a daily basis. There are five forex market centers around the world - New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt and Zurich. One does not need to be on the trading floor, so to speak to be involved in the forex market. Today, forex trading can be done from home on a computer.
The forex market itself is basically a worldwide connection of traders, who make investment moves based on the price of currencies, or their values relative to other currencies. These traders constantly negotiate prices with other traders resulting in the fluctuation or movement of a currency's value. The value of a currency on the forex market also corresponds with supply. If there is greater demand for the Euro, let's say, then there will be less supply of it on the forex market, which means, in time, it will make a Euro more valuable compared to let's say the dollar. In short, in this forex market situation, one Euro would yield more dollars, subsequently weakening the dollar as well. Analyzing the forex market's fluctuations allows investors to make predictions on how a currency will move in relation to another currency. They then can make predictions and buy and sell currency accordingly.
While some people view the forex market as a place to see what their exchange rate will be when they travel abroad, others view it as an opportunity to make great gains in their financial planning and future.
By : Jay Moncliff
The forex market itself is basically a worldwide connection of traders, who make investment moves based on the price of currencies, or their values relative to other currencies. These traders constantly negotiate prices with other traders resulting in the fluctuation or movement of a currency's value. The value of a currency on the forex market also corresponds with supply. If there is greater demand for the Euro, let's say, then there will be less supply of it on the forex market, which means, in time, it will make a Euro more valuable compared to let's say the dollar. In short, in this forex market situation, one Euro would yield more dollars, subsequently weakening the dollar as well. Analyzing the forex market's fluctuations allows investors to make predictions on how a currency will move in relation to another currency. They then can make predictions and buy and sell currency accordingly.
While some people view the forex market as a place to see what their exchange rate will be when they travel abroad, others view it as an opportunity to make great gains in their financial planning and future.
By : Jay Moncliff
Forex trading can be like day-trading
Forex trading, or foreign currency trading, has become a bit of a craze of late, especially since it is something available to anyone who owns a computer. And anyone who is willing to put in some training time can profit from forex trading.
The forex market finds traders from all around the globe monitoring currency fluctuations, not unlike the way a day trader may monitor a stock's fluctuation on the Dow Jones.
In forex trading, a trader will pair two types of currency, for example the U.S. dollar and the British pound. As it requires more of one currency to purchase another, that currency loses value. Not unlike, stock trading, forex traders try to accumulate currency when it weakens in hopes of selling it when it goes up in value. Forex trading is not unlike the buy low, sell high approach found in stock trading.
The way a trader on the forex market exchange goes about acquiring currency is by giving a bid/ask quote, saying he is willing to buy, for example 1.6 marks per dollar and sell them at 1.625 per dollar. One must be a market trader to have access to this process. So most people who are forex trading on line buy the currency through a bank, where they'll pay a commission, then have to figure the commission paid to the bank into the calculation of their spread, or profit margin, when they sell it.
Forex trading is not an easy path to riches. And some people have lost considerable money in miscalculating the market. With its increased popularity, on some days the forex market exchange can see more than one trillion dollars exchanged. Packages for teaching a new forex trader how to invest in the market can range in price.
By : Jay Moncliff
The forex market finds traders from all around the globe monitoring currency fluctuations, not unlike the way a day trader may monitor a stock's fluctuation on the Dow Jones.
In forex trading, a trader will pair two types of currency, for example the U.S. dollar and the British pound. As it requires more of one currency to purchase another, that currency loses value. Not unlike, stock trading, forex traders try to accumulate currency when it weakens in hopes of selling it when it goes up in value. Forex trading is not unlike the buy low, sell high approach found in stock trading.
The way a trader on the forex market exchange goes about acquiring currency is by giving a bid/ask quote, saying he is willing to buy, for example 1.6 marks per dollar and sell them at 1.625 per dollar. One must be a market trader to have access to this process. So most people who are forex trading on line buy the currency through a bank, where they'll pay a commission, then have to figure the commission paid to the bank into the calculation of their spread, or profit margin, when they sell it.
Forex trading is not an easy path to riches. And some people have lost considerable money in miscalculating the market. With its increased popularity, on some days the forex market exchange can see more than one trillion dollars exchanged. Packages for teaching a new forex trader how to invest in the market can range in price.
By : Jay Moncliff
How you can make big profits?
If you want to win at forex trading and enjoy currency trading success perhaps one of the easiest ways to achieve it is to trade high odds breakouts. Here we will look at how you can do this and make big profits...
What is a Breakout?It's simply a break to a new high or low on a forex chart
Why is trading them so effective?
Because most traders hate buying them (most traders lose though) they think they have missed part of the move and want to get in at what they feel is a better price.
They wait for the pullback but of course it never comes and they miss the trading opportunity.
Why are They so Profitable?
Most major moves start from breakouts and if you hit the odds breakouts, then you have the odds on your side. Sure you miss the first part of the move but that doesn't matter if the price continues.
Which Breakouts should I Buy or Sell
You want levels of resistance that have been tested a few times (minimum twice) but the more the better. The more time frames involved and the wider they are apart the better as well.
You want levels that are considered important by the market and if a breakout occurs and it's uncomfortable, then it's likely to be a good one!
How Do I Trade Them?
To get the odds even more on your side you should check that price momentum is strengthening through the breakout point. We have covered momentum oscillators in our other articles so look them up. Two good ones to use though are the stochastic and the Relative Strength Index RSI.
Once the trade is in motion - wait for the trade to get well under way before moving your stop, then trail it up slowly, so you don't get taken out by random volatility.
The Key ...
To making money from breakouts is to trade selectively.
You get good high odds breakouts around once every couple of months in each currency pair.
Don't forget you don't get rewarded for trading often, you get rewarded for being right with your trading signal and that's it. However, these high odds trades can make 100 - 1000% so trade them.
Sounds simple - it is!
Breakouts are easy to understand and if you look at any past forex chart you can see how effective they are, you just need a simple system and the discipline to trade it and hold these high odds trades and milk them.
Any forex trader should consider using breakouts as part of their forex trading strategy, if they want to enjoy currency trading success.
By: Monica Hendrix
What is a Breakout?It's simply a break to a new high or low on a forex chart
Why is trading them so effective?
Because most traders hate buying them (most traders lose though) they think they have missed part of the move and want to get in at what they feel is a better price.
They wait for the pullback but of course it never comes and they miss the trading opportunity.
Why are They so Profitable?
Most major moves start from breakouts and if you hit the odds breakouts, then you have the odds on your side. Sure you miss the first part of the move but that doesn't matter if the price continues.
Which Breakouts should I Buy or Sell
You want levels of resistance that have been tested a few times (minimum twice) but the more the better. The more time frames involved and the wider they are apart the better as well.
You want levels that are considered important by the market and if a breakout occurs and it's uncomfortable, then it's likely to be a good one!
How Do I Trade Them?
To get the odds even more on your side you should check that price momentum is strengthening through the breakout point. We have covered momentum oscillators in our other articles so look them up. Two good ones to use though are the stochastic and the Relative Strength Index RSI.
Once the trade is in motion - wait for the trade to get well under way before moving your stop, then trail it up slowly, so you don't get taken out by random volatility.
The Key ...
To making money from breakouts is to trade selectively.
You get good high odds breakouts around once every couple of months in each currency pair.
Don't forget you don't get rewarded for trading often, you get rewarded for being right with your trading signal and that's it. However, these high odds trades can make 100 - 1000% so trade them.
Sounds simple - it is!
Breakouts are easy to understand and if you look at any past forex chart you can see how effective they are, you just need a simple system and the discipline to trade it and hold these high odds trades and milk them.
Any forex trader should consider using breakouts as part of their forex trading strategy, if they want to enjoy currency trading success.
By: Monica Hendrix
How did they do it?
If you want to learn currency trading and what it takes to win then you should make this story part of your essential for ex trading education. In just 14 days ordinary people with no experience learned to trade and make hundreds of millions of dollars. How did they do it?
In the nineteen eighties trading legend Richard Dennis decided to prove that anyone could learn to trade, with the right forex trading system and mindset...
He therefore gathered a group of people together who had no trading experience, who were of all ages, both sexes and of all educational standards. The group was diverse consisting of a security guard, to an actor.
He then taught them to trade forex and after 14 days gave them trading accounts.
This group made $100 million dollars in 4 years and went on to become legends.
So how did they do it -after all 95% of traders lose what made them different?
Dennis knew that the problem with traders is not so much method but mindset - they simply cannot stick to a plan and keep going when they incur losses. So although he taught them a simple method, he didn't tell them blindly to follow it, he taught them to learn it and have confidence in it.
You cannot have discipline without confidence.
Even when your confident, its hard to keep trading when the market hands you loss after loss and makes you look a fool.
It's a fact that anyone can learn to trade yet, few succeed and the reason is they either get the wrong information or simply cannot stay disciplined.
Most traders are simply unprepared for the fact that they must execute rules and stay on course when they lose trade after trade and don't believe all the rubbish you read online, about regular income and 90% accuracy - that's not the real world.
You can win at forex trading but you must be able to take losses to win longer term.
Most traders simply don't have the discipline to do this.
We don't have time to explain all the aspects of trading discipline here but it's hard to achieve but that's why traders who can trade with discipline are so successful - Dennis proved it.
The forex trading system used was simple ( essentially a long term breakout strategy) but it was the mindset he taught the traders - to stand on their own two feet, be confident and take short term losses, to seek longer term gains which was so important.
If you can learn a simple forex trading strategy, get confidence in it and apply it with discipline, you can win.
Sure its not easy, but you wouldn't expect it to be with the rewards on offer.
So if you want to learn currency trading the right way get a simple forex trading strategy and focus on your discipline and remember if you can't trade a system with discipline you don't have one!
There are big rewards to be made but your on your own and must have courage, confidence and conviction in what your doing - do that and you can enjoy spectacular currency trading success.
By: Monica Hendrix
In the nineteen eighties trading legend Richard Dennis decided to prove that anyone could learn to trade, with the right forex trading system and mindset...
He therefore gathered a group of people together who had no trading experience, who were of all ages, both sexes and of all educational standards. The group was diverse consisting of a security guard, to an actor.
He then taught them to trade forex and after 14 days gave them trading accounts.
This group made $100 million dollars in 4 years and went on to become legends.
So how did they do it -after all 95% of traders lose what made them different?
Dennis knew that the problem with traders is not so much method but mindset - they simply cannot stick to a plan and keep going when they incur losses. So although he taught them a simple method, he didn't tell them blindly to follow it, he taught them to learn it and have confidence in it.
You cannot have discipline without confidence.
Even when your confident, its hard to keep trading when the market hands you loss after loss and makes you look a fool.
It's a fact that anyone can learn to trade yet, few succeed and the reason is they either get the wrong information or simply cannot stay disciplined.
Most traders are simply unprepared for the fact that they must execute rules and stay on course when they lose trade after trade and don't believe all the rubbish you read online, about regular income and 90% accuracy - that's not the real world.
You can win at forex trading but you must be able to take losses to win longer term.
Most traders simply don't have the discipline to do this.
We don't have time to explain all the aspects of trading discipline here but it's hard to achieve but that's why traders who can trade with discipline are so successful - Dennis proved it.
The forex trading system used was simple ( essentially a long term breakout strategy) but it was the mindset he taught the traders - to stand on their own two feet, be confident and take short term losses, to seek longer term gains which was so important.
If you can learn a simple forex trading strategy, get confidence in it and apply it with discipline, you can win.
Sure its not easy, but you wouldn't expect it to be with the rewards on offer.
So if you want to learn currency trading the right way get a simple forex trading strategy and focus on your discipline and remember if you can't trade a system with discipline you don't have one!
There are big rewards to be made but your on your own and must have courage, confidence and conviction in what your doing - do that and you can enjoy spectacular currency trading success.
By: Monica Hendrix
Be on the road to financial freedom
1. Simulated Track Records Indicate What You Can Expect In Real Time
First lets look at one of the biggest problems traders fall for and it's the myth of the paper track record designed on past data will make you money in real time. This is a warning you will see on the majority of course, forex robots, trading signal services and other services sold and you would be wise to read it carefully as the odds of you winning are dramatically reduced if you see it:
"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading.
And the obvious statement which is the warning which discounts the track record altogether and is a sobering thought:
Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".
The above blows any track record presented with one of these back tested track records out the water, because it's been done knowing all the price history and data, which is not real life! We don't know what will happen tomorrow today in life or in forex trading, so it proves nothing.
Its normally tucked away in the small print anyway and you have to think - if it really is that good as forex advice why is there no real time track record of profits? Some of the track records are so good you wonder why the vendor isn't trading it; the whole population and banks still bother with dealing teams when they can replace guys on 7 figure salaries with a robot costing just a few hundred bucks.
Never believe what you see simulated will necessarily happen in real life. If you do you will disappointed.
2. You can Predict Forex Price Movement
Prediction is another word for hoping or guessing and no one knows the future so don't guess!
Forget about the idea that markets move to scientific theory - they don't. If they did, we would all know the price in advance and there would be no market. Trade the reality on your forex charts and forget predictions forex trading is a game of odds not a game of certainties. This doesn't mean you can't win, you can but you need to accept that perfection is not possible.
By its very nature a scientific theory should work all the time but the major scientific theories of Gann, Elliot and Fibonacci don't and these guys made no real money with them so what chance have you got?
Myth 3 Forex Trading Is Easy!
If it was then 95% of traders wouldn't burn their accounts!
Its hard and you would expect that as the profits can generate a great second income or even, a changing one. This myth is normally perpetrated by people selling simulated track records with systems and we already know ho much use they are. Fact is, they don't trade and make money from sales of their merchandise. If trading were as easy as they make out they would trade!
Forex trading looks easy and learning how to trade is (if you avoid these myths and the countless others) but making money is harder.
Winning at Forex
If you want to win forget all the get rich quick and people telling you they will lead you to success and instead, get the right forex trading education, learn it, get confidence in it and then execute your trading plan with discipline and courage - now that's the way to win and you probably knew that already!
So avoid the myths, learn currency trading the right way and you can enjoy currency trading
success and be on the road to financial freedom.
By: Monica Hendrix
First lets look at one of the biggest problems traders fall for and it's the myth of the paper track record designed on past data will make you money in real time. This is a warning you will see on the majority of course, forex robots, trading signal services and other services sold and you would be wise to read it carefully as the odds of you winning are dramatically reduced if you see it:
"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading.
And the obvious statement which is the warning which discounts the track record altogether and is a sobering thought:
Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".
The above blows any track record presented with one of these back tested track records out the water, because it's been done knowing all the price history and data, which is not real life! We don't know what will happen tomorrow today in life or in forex trading, so it proves nothing.
Its normally tucked away in the small print anyway and you have to think - if it really is that good as forex advice why is there no real time track record of profits? Some of the track records are so good you wonder why the vendor isn't trading it; the whole population and banks still bother with dealing teams when they can replace guys on 7 figure salaries with a robot costing just a few hundred bucks.
Never believe what you see simulated will necessarily happen in real life. If you do you will disappointed.
2. You can Predict Forex Price Movement
Prediction is another word for hoping or guessing and no one knows the future so don't guess!
Forget about the idea that markets move to scientific theory - they don't. If they did, we would all know the price in advance and there would be no market. Trade the reality on your forex charts and forget predictions forex trading is a game of odds not a game of certainties. This doesn't mean you can't win, you can but you need to accept that perfection is not possible.
By its very nature a scientific theory should work all the time but the major scientific theories of Gann, Elliot and Fibonacci don't and these guys made no real money with them so what chance have you got?
Myth 3 Forex Trading Is Easy!
If it was then 95% of traders wouldn't burn their accounts!
Its hard and you would expect that as the profits can generate a great second income or even, a changing one. This myth is normally perpetrated by people selling simulated track records with systems and we already know ho much use they are. Fact is, they don't trade and make money from sales of their merchandise. If trading were as easy as they make out they would trade!
Forex trading looks easy and learning how to trade is (if you avoid these myths and the countless others) but making money is harder.
Winning at Forex
If you want to win forget all the get rich quick and people telling you they will lead you to success and instead, get the right forex trading education, learn it, get confidence in it and then execute your trading plan with discipline and courage - now that's the way to win and you probably knew that already!
So avoid the myths, learn currency trading the right way and you can enjoy currency trading
success and be on the road to financial freedom.
By: Monica Hendrix
learn the right way and win
Fact: You can't simply Follow Others!
Most forex traders simply buy a course forex robot or trading signals from a vendor and think they will lead them to success. Leave aside that most of the systems are junk and come with a worthless, simulated track record in hindsight and focus on the fact that: If you don't have confidence in what your doing, you can never trade with discipline and stick with your trading system, through a period of losses (all trading systems have them and they last for weeks and sometimes months) and you have to have the discipline to stock with a system.
Traders manage to lose with even good systems because they throw in the towel early, while if they had waited they would have been rewarded with profits.
You have to lose to win and stay on course and that's the reality of forex trading
Fact: You are Responsible
Most people simply cannot accept responsibility. You are in charge of your destiny and you cannot rely on others - you must isolate yourself from the consensus and this is hard, as it's lonely when you are trading against the major view and as pack animals we like to be with the majority - but it's essential to be isolated, because the majority don't win!
Fact: You have to Look Stupid to Win
When you trade you are trading in an environment which is anarchy and the market price moves wherever it wants, whenever it wants and it can only be right and you can only be wrong.
The market is going to make you look stupid and most people can't take that - they want to be right all the time. Fact is though even, though the market will make you look stupid you can make money from it if you can devise and live by a set of rules.
Achieving Forex Trading Success
To win with your forex trading strategy, you need to have a simple, logical trading strategy, you have confidence in.
If you don't have confidence, you won't have discipline and if you cannot execute your trading signals with discipline, you don't have a trading system at all.
Forex trading looks easy but its not, as discipline is not so easy, for even the most experienced traders at times but if you learn to be disciplined and get the right forex education, accept you will look stupid and take losses, then you can enjoy currency trading success.
There are huge rewards for the disciplined trader, so learn the right way and win.
By: kelly Price
Most forex traders simply buy a course forex robot or trading signals from a vendor and think they will lead them to success. Leave aside that most of the systems are junk and come with a worthless, simulated track record in hindsight and focus on the fact that: If you don't have confidence in what your doing, you can never trade with discipline and stick with your trading system, through a period of losses (all trading systems have them and they last for weeks and sometimes months) and you have to have the discipline to stock with a system.
Traders manage to lose with even good systems because they throw in the towel early, while if they had waited they would have been rewarded with profits.
You have to lose to win and stay on course and that's the reality of forex trading
Fact: You are Responsible
Most people simply cannot accept responsibility. You are in charge of your destiny and you cannot rely on others - you must isolate yourself from the consensus and this is hard, as it's lonely when you are trading against the major view and as pack animals we like to be with the majority - but it's essential to be isolated, because the majority don't win!
Fact: You have to Look Stupid to Win
When you trade you are trading in an environment which is anarchy and the market price moves wherever it wants, whenever it wants and it can only be right and you can only be wrong.
The market is going to make you look stupid and most people can't take that - they want to be right all the time. Fact is though even, though the market will make you look stupid you can make money from it if you can devise and live by a set of rules.
Achieving Forex Trading Success
To win with your forex trading strategy, you need to have a simple, logical trading strategy, you have confidence in.
If you don't have confidence, you won't have discipline and if you cannot execute your trading signals with discipline, you don't have a trading system at all.
Forex trading looks easy but its not, as discipline is not so easy, for even the most experienced traders at times but if you learn to be disciplined and get the right forex education, accept you will look stupid and take losses, then you can enjoy currency trading success.
There are huge rewards for the disciplined trader, so learn the right way and win.
By: kelly Price
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